North Balwyn Rotaract Photo Album
The conversion of Lloyd (Essendon Rotaract's mascot)


Camp Getaway Working Bee (Feb 2004)
Rotary-Rotaract Bowling Challenge 2004
District Beach Day (Feb 2004)
Club's 18th Birthday (November 2003)
District Bowling Night (2003)
Vic-Ball 2003
The conversion of Lloyd (Essendon Rotaract's mascot)
New member induction!!
Changeover / 16th Birthday party
Victorian Rotaractor's Ball (2002)
Rotary Camp Getaway Working Bee
Rotary Camp Getaway Working Bee 2
The House-warming Party / Interest Night
Bowling Night (2002)
Contact Us

Lloyd, The Rotaract Club of Essendon's mascot, has decided what he really wants is to become a North Balwyn Rotaract member...


So, we decided we couldn't do anything else, in all conscience, but bow to his wishes.. So, on Tuesday September 24th, he came along to his first meeting, and we issued him with his very own North Balwyn Rotaract t-shirt..

Lloyd showing off his new loyalties

The sad postscript is that members from Essendon Rotaract were also at that September 24th meeting, and took exception to his conversion.. so they took poor Lloyd back again.. *sniff*